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Blue Ribbon ( YOU MUST SEE)
Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008
Minggu, 15 Juni 2008
Meaning of Live
Please dont' let this happen to you. Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day.
Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008
Jumat, 13 Juni 2008
CDC: Salmonella-tainted tomato illnesses reach 228
By LAURAN NEERGAARD, AP Medical Writer Thu Jun 12, 7:29 PM ET
WASHINGTON - The toll from salmonella-tainted tomatoes jumped to 228 illnesses Thursday as the government learned of five dozen previously unknown cases and said it is possible the food poisoning contributed to a cancer patient's death.
illnesses related to the outbreak, bringing the number of affected states to 23.
The Food and Drug Administration has not pinpointed the source of the outbreak. With the latest known illness striking on June 1, officials also are not sure if all the tainted tomatoes are off the market.
"As long as we are continuing to see new cases come on board, it is a concern that there are still contaminated tomatoes out there," said the agency's food safety chief, Dr. David Acheson.
Government officials have said all week they were close to cracking the case, but "maybe we were being too optimistic," Acheson acknowledged.
How much longer? "That's impossible to say."
On the do-not-eat list are raw red plum, red Roma or red round tomatoes, unless they were grown in specific states or countries that the FDA has cleared because they were not harvesting when the outbreak began or were not selling their tomatoes in places where people got sick.
The FDA is directing consumers to its Web site — http://www.fda.gov — for updated lists of the safe regions.
Also safe are grape tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and tomatoes sold with the vine still attached. That is not because there is anything biologically safer about those with a vine but because the sick have assured investigators that is not the kind of tomato they ate.
What if you did not go to the store armed with a list, or the store or restaurant manager cannot assure that any plum, Roma or round tomatoes came from safe regions?
"If you don't know, don't take the risk," Acheson said.
Cooking also kills salmonella, but the FDA is not formally advising people to cook suspect tomatoes for fear they will not get them heated thoroughly.
Mexico and parts of central Florida, two chief tomato suppliers, are still on FDA's suspect list. But the agency would not say they were top suspects, and in fact, said certain parts of Mexico that were not harvesting when the outbreak began are working to be cleared.
At least 25 people have been hospitalized during the outbreak, caused by a relatively rare strain of salmonella known as Saintpaul.
"At this point, there isn't a lot of data to suggest this is a more virulent strain," said Dr. Ian Williams of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
No deaths have been attributed to the salmonella. But the CDC for the first time Thursday acknowledged that the salmonella may have been a contributing factor in the cancer-caused death of a 67-year-old Texas man.
teken from YahooNews
Jumat, 06 Juni 2008
Rabu, 04 Juni 2008
FPI Diburu di Banyumas
Selasa, 3 Juni 2008 | 15:31 WIB
BANYUMAS, SELASA - Sejumlah organisasi masyarakat di Banyumas yang
tergabung dalam Aliansi Masyarakat Pecinta Merah Putih Banyumas,
Selasa (3/6), mendatangi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah Banyumas
menuntut Front Pembela Islam dibekukan. Bersamaan dengan itu puluhan
massa yang tergabung dalam Lembaga Independen Banyumas atau Libas
menyisir sejumlah tempat yang diduga kantong massa FPI.
Kedua aksi massa itu menuntut agar DPRD Banyumas dapat mendukung
untuk menghentikan kekerasan, sekaligus membubarkan FPI. Koordinator
AMPMP Tri Waluya Basuki mengatakan, penyerangan FPI di Monas sudah
menodai kebhinekaan Indonesia. "Kalau FPI dibiarkan, penyerangan FPI
dengan cara kekerasan akan terus terjadi," ujarnya.
Sementara itu puluhan massa Libas mendatangi salah satu rumah warga
yang menurut informasi merupakan Ketua FPI Banyumas, yakni Edi
Nugroho, di Kelurahan Sokanegara, Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara.
Sebelumnya, puluhan massa itu mendatangi pemukiman di Kelurahan
Sumampir, Kecamatan Purwokerto Utara, yang diduga menjadi tempat
kantor sekretariat FPI Banyumas, namun tak membuahkan hasil.
Saat ditemui sejumlah anggota Libas, Edi mengaku, dirinya sudah lama
menyerahkan mandat sebagai ketua kepada pengurus FPI pusat. "Sekarang
saya sudah seperti masyarakat biasa. Karena itu, saya tak bisa
memberikan komentar apa pun soal FPI," katanya.
Direktur Libas Sumbadi mengatakan, penyisiran itu dilakukan karena
FPI telah melakukan kekerasan terhadap sesama manusia. "Selama
kekerasan masih ada, Libas akan melawannya," ujarnya.
Anggota DPRD Banyumas LPAS Widiyaningrum pun ikut mendukung kedua
aksi tersebut. Dia mengatakan, pihaknya akan mendesak TNI maupun
Polri untuk membekukan kegiatan FPI. "Pemerintah juga harus bersikap
tegas terhadap hal-hal yang meniadakan demokrasi seperti ini,"